Monday, January 10, 2011

February It Is!

Next meeting: Friday, February 4 at 7 p.m. discussing Alias Grace.

Where should we meet? Any thoughts?


Kerrie said...

I would actually love to host at my house. What do you guys think about that? I live in Maple Valley, so it might be a drive for some of you.

Timory said...

I didn't read the book this time, but I'll be at the next meeting. :)

Amy said...

Meeting at your house sounds great. Should we potluck or something?

Kerrie said...

Kelley has offered to have it at her house, and she lives in more of a "middle" area in Renton near 405(and also doesn't have a toddler).

Thanks Kelley!

@Amy - A potluck might be nice except I think some people are coming directly from work (as in they don't have time to get home and back). Maybe people could just pitch in a few dollars and we could have pizza and wine. :D