Sunday, January 31, 2010

Moving It Again

Okay. This is The No-Pressure Book Club, after all, so I'm asking if it'll work for you all if we move the meeting...again. Why?

1) I feel really bad moving it to fit my schedule and now some people can't go. I want us all to be able to meet!

2) That's opening night of the Olympics. I don't know about you, but I like to watch them. I have TiVo and everything, but still...

3) Who is actually DONE with the book? Anyone?

Heather F. had a really good idea. Why don't we just move it to the first Friday in March? Would that work for everyone?

Let me know.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Can We Move the Meeting?

I have a conflict with the Feb. 5th meeting date. I really hate to move the meeting back a week just for me, but I've heard from a few of you that you wouldn't mind. Thank you!

So, let's just push it back one week. Is that OK with everyone?

I finally have Outlook on my 'puter, so I'll send out a meeting request a la "the old days."
