Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Postponed Till May

I think there is like one person who can attend the NPBC meeting on April 29th and one person does not a club make (unless it's a club about being alone, I suppose). Let's postpone till mid-May. More info to come!

Friday, April 15, 2011


So the 22nd is Good Friday. It's the start of Easter weekend. A holiday.

Let's reschedule for the 29th. More details to come.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Plan for April

Just checking in to share the plan for April's book, Water for Elephants. The film comes out on April 22.

The plan is to meet on April 22 for dinner, then see the film afterward. But I won't know till we get closer to the date what the times for the showings will be or, of course, what theaters it will be playing at.

So stay tuned!

~Happy reading!